(Arr. Steven Nisbet)

Creative Last Verses – Booklet 2: Passiontide & Easter

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Expertly crafted harmonisations and descants for 17 hymns for Passiontide & Easter. 26 pages. Intermediate level. [Read the score.]


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Expertly crafted Reharmonisations and descants for 17 hymns for Passiontide & Easter by renowned Brisbane organist, Steven Nisbet:

  1. Ride on, ride on in majesty (Winchester New)
  2. My song is love unknown (Love Unknown)
  3. Praise to the holiest in the height (Gerontius)
  4. When I survey the wondrous cross (Rockingham)
  5. In the cross of Christ I glory (Cross of Jesus)
  6. In the cross of Christ I glory (Stuttgart)
  7. There’s a wideness in God’s mercy (Cross of Jesus)
  8. We sing the praise of him who died (Fulda)
  9. Christ the Lord is risen today (Easter Hymn)
  10. Crown him with many crowns (Diademata)
  11. Hail the once despised Jesus (Hyfrydol)
  12. I know that my redeemer lives (Church Triumphant)
  13. The head that once was crowned (St Magnus)
  14. The day of resurrection (Ellacombe)
  15. Thine be the glory (Maccabaeus)
  16. To him who sits upon the throne (St Magnus)
  17. We have a gospel to proclaim (Fulda)

Enhance your congregation’s hymn singing with these exciting and innovative arrangements.

You can read the score by clicking on this thumbnail:

Creative Last Verses – Booklet 2: Passiontide & Easter

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