(Arr. Steven Nisbet)

Creative Last Verses – Booklet 3: Ascensiontide, Pentecost & Trinity Sunday

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Fresh alternative harmonies to enhance your congregation’s singing of the last verse of 11 different hymn tunes that are commonly sung during these seasons of the Church Year. [Read more and see the score.]


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Fresh alternative harmonies and descants to enhance your congregation’s singing of the last verse of 11 well-known hymn tunes that are commonly sung during these seasons of the Church Year.

  1. God is gone up on high (Darwall)
  2. Come down, O love divine (Down Ampney)
  3. Come, Holy Spirit, come (Diademata)
  4. Come, Spirit blest, our hearts inspire (Richmond)
  5. Filled with the Spirit’s power (Woodlands)
  6. God sends us his Spirit (Natomah)
  7. Pour out thy Spirit (Song 34)
  8. Father in heaven, grant to your children (Halad)
  9. Father of mercy, God of consolation (Christe Sanctorum)
  10. Glory be to God the Father (Regents Square)
  11. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty (Nicea)

You can read the score by clicking on this thumbnail:

Creative Last Verses – Booklet 3 – Ascensiontide, Pentecost & Trinity Sunday

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